Cemetery Reservoir

The Cemetery Reservoir Project provided the City of Pateros with a 564,000 gallon cast-in-place reinforced concrete reservoir. This concrete reservoir was the first phase of upgrading the City’s water system to allow for future water access for expanding housing and future urban development. Construction of the concrete reservoir included pouring over 710 cubic yards of concrete, 8,700 square feet of wall patching (including sack & patch), and 8,700 square feet of wall radius hand form. Site work improvements included 900 square yards of HMA placement and constructing 850 feet of 12” PVC drain pipe for the reservoir. Providing design-build input, our crews provided cost savings to the project by raising the grade around the tank and subsequently eliminating dirt haul off and the need for a handrail on the tank lid.


Pateros, WA


City of Pateros