CRWWD Phase 5A Outfall Pipeline

The Phase 5 Outfall Project provided critical upgrades to CRWWD’s wastewater system, enhancing output processing for the next 50 years. In partnership with Advanced American Construction (AAC), the project installed 900 feet of new pipeline into the Columbia River. AAC handled offshore work, while our team managed the onshore tie-in, excavation, and temporary causeway construction, requiring 60,000 cubic yards of excavation for 500 feet of pipeline placed 40 feet below elevation.

To address tidal challenges, we built a causeway with 5,000 cubic yards of river material, installed a turbidity curtain, and constructed soil wraps. Crews assembled a 700-foot pipeline section, floating and positioning it via barge for final installation.



Vancouver, WA


Clark Regional Wastewater District

Key Aspects:

Large Diameter Pipe (30”+), HDPE Pipe, In-water work, Sanitary Sewer