Lower Forks Creek Restoration

The Lower Forks Creek Restoration Project allowed for increased volumes of fresh water to the Forks Creek Hatchery through the installation of new pumps while also improving fish access to upstream habitats with the construction of a fish ladder. These improvements required the replacement of the existing weir and pump intake; construction of a new fish ladder; building a sedimentation pond and distribution box; and installing associated piping, electrical, and mechanical components.

Working within a short in-water work window, a stream bypass system was constructed to allow for the structural concrete construction of the weir and fish ladder to begin. This included pouring approximately 800 cubic yards of concrete foundation, 1,980 square feet of concrete weir apron and walls, and 12,070 square feet of fish ladder slabs and walls. Outside of the in-water work window, our crews constructed two pre-engineered metal buildings to house controls for the newly installed fresh water pumps, screens, and compressed air burst screen cleaning system.


Raymond, WA


WA Department of Fish & Wildlife