Tapani served as the Civil Contractor on this large-scale site development project in Gresham, OR. The project involved the sitework for a 533,212-square-foot concrete tilt warehouse located on 46-acres. Our scope of work included essential tasks such as erosion control, dewatering, site demolition, earthwork, cement-treated base installation, grading, and aggregate stockpile, sorting and reuse. Tapani performed foundation excavation and backfill, site utilities, and frontage improvements. The site required approximately 156,000-cubic-yards of excavation, and Tapani preplanned to screen onsite material for reuse as utility backfill, optimizing resources and reducing costs.
Gresham, OR
Specht Development Inc.
Excavation, Commercial, Demolition, Civil Site Developments, Utilities, Dewatering, Grading
WA #TAPANI*8830E, OR CCB#63434, ID #RCE – 58709