Tooze Road

The Tooze Road project was the second phase of the Boeckman Road Extension, reconstructing Tooze Road from 110th Avenue to Grahams Ferry Road. As the General Contractor, Tapani installed 1,470 square feet of retaining walls, 845 linear feet of 12″ Sewer Pipe, 1,200 linear feet of 18″ DI water main and 1,450 linear feet of 24″ PVC gravity sewer. Crews also completed 9,200 cubic yards of excavation, 6,300 cubic yards of CSBC placement, 1,200 square feet of previous asphalt, 6,000 tons of HMA, and construction of multiple water quality swales.


Sherwood, OR


City Of Wilsonville

Key Aspects:

Excavation, Retaining Wall, Road Construction, PVC Pipe, Sanitary Sewer