Vancouver Walmart

Working alongside R&O Construction through winter months, our crews performed all the civil site work for a new Walmart Supercenter in Vancouver, WA. Civil construction included importing approximately 100,000 cubic yards of fill to raise the site to finish elevation and 85,000 cubic yards of excavation and import embankment; installing 4-10” storm, water and sewer utilities; placing over 3,000 tons of aggregate for the building slab preparation; constructing 4,395 square feet of modular block retaining walls; and all site concrete and asphalt paving. To keep the project on schedule through the wet winter months conditions, our crews used dewatering wells for the 10 foot deep sewer line installation and also imported sand for subgrade stabilization, allowing our crews to place fill through the winter. Offsite improvements included the construction of a new 1,000 foot long public access road as well as a new wetland mitigation area next to Burnt Bridge Creek.


Vancouver, WA


R&O Construction

Key Aspects:

Excavation, Retaining Wall, Structural Concrete, Commercial Sitework, Road Construction, Utilities, Dewatering