West Vancouver Freight Access

The West Vancouver Freight Access Project was part of a larger program to construct a pile-supported concrete structure for the construction and operation of a south lead track to service the Port of Vancouver. This phase of the project included track construction, soldier pile walls, sheet pile walls, fencing, utility modifications, paving, striping, private stormwater installation, a pedestrian bridge, and site grading. In addition to this work, our crews also designed a bypass system for a sanitary sewer line belonging to the City of Vancouver. In order to keep the sewer line operational, an elaborate bypass/pump system that could handle up to 12.5 MGD was employed and a16” steel casing was bored underneath the railroad tracks. Part of the improvements that took place on this project were on the adjacent Fort Vancouver Plywood site, which was under a restrictive covenant. The site was covered by two caps. Contaminants of concern in the soil under the capped areas included diesel-weight petroleum, hydrocarbons, and lead. Prior to any work in this area, our team provided a Contaminated Health and Safety Plan, proof of hazardous waste training, and a Decontamination Plan to the Port of Vancouver. We worked with the Port of Vancouver environmental staff to complete the necessary waste profile with Waste Management in Hillsboro, OR, and approximately 5,000 tons of contaminated material were disposed of from the project site.



Vancouver, WA


Port of Vancouver

Key Aspects:

Railroad Coordination, Transportation, Bridges, Rail, Utilities